How you can support us

Make a donation

Making a donation to the Wellington Hospital Chaplaincy Trust helps greatly. Donations $5 or over are tax deductible.

Become a hosptial chaplain or volunteer chaplain’s assistant

Volunteering to become a Chaplaincy Assistant involves a selection process and participation in a training programme. If you are interested, please phone 04 385 5999 and ask for a chaplain.

Leave a bequest or gift

Leaving a bequest or gift in your will to the Wellington Hospital Chaplaincy Trust supports the work of our dedicated chaplains and assistants.


To make a financial donation – deposit your donation through online banking to:

WHCT bank account number: 06 0513 0258082 00

Account name: Wellington Hospital Chaplaincy Trust

Please fill out the website Donation Form on this page with your details.

Or go to our Donations page for forms to download.

Please send to:

30a Chelmsford Street
Wellington 6035

Donation form

Wellington Hospital Chaplaincy Trust thanks you for your donation

Thorndon Farmers Market stall

A special thanks goes to Margaret Rowe and her team of volunteers for the regular stalls at the Thorndon Farmers Market. They make all the produce themselves and give their time to running the stalls. People at the Market look for the stall and it provides an opportunity to profile the Trust and more importantly the work of the chaplains.

We welcome proposals for fundraising to support the work of the hospital chaplains. Contact us.

© Copyright - Wellington Hospital Chaplaincy Trust